"Savvy Grandmother" came about as a result of speaking engagements regarding my first book "Generation G." As I went about the country I realized that my heart wanted more than to just talk about the joys of being a grandmother. Yes, its the best, yes, I wouldn't trade it for all the gold in China.
But after ten years of being a grandmother, I knew that what I really wanted was to leave a faith legacy to my grandchildren. How to do that was the challenge.
As luck would have it, or as God would orchestrate, for two years I had been writing three monthly online columns. After seeing the movie "Julie and Julia", the Lord put on my heart to write a book using my blogs. As i printed them out and grouped them according to topics, I realized I did indeed have a book.
Is God good or what? I put them togethr and "THe Savvy Grandmother - Building A Legacy of Faith" is the result.
My goal is to inspire and challenge you. God has granted each of us gifts and talents. The question before us is how are we using our time, talent and treasure for the kingdom. When we are gone, will our friends and family know our heart stories. Will they know how God has moved into our lives to heal, reconcile, bless and discipline.
If they don't know how will we tell them. Will we write, tape, paint, scrapbook, quilt? How will our grandkids know our heart for God if we don't tell them.
Savvy Grandmother is about my journey to discover these things. But it is also about your journey and how you will apply the scriptures and principals of passing on faith to the next generation.
I hope the book inspires you. I'd love to hear from you. Be blessed and Be Inspired!