Never in my wildest imagination did I think I would find myself in this position.
I am now a grandmother - a pivotal point in the lives of those I love.
Like it or not I am the matriarch of the family, sandwiched between four generations.
How did I get here? What do I do? Where is the manual?
Every 21st century grandmother is faced with this same dilemma.
As seasoned women we have the distinct joy of leaving a legacy, of pouring ourselves out as healers of the generations,repairers of the breach, peacemakers in a world gone awry.
A grandmother's journey is individual and unique. It is our time, our moment in the sun, our last opportunity to serve and not be served, to love without taking offense, to celebrate joy, to cheerlead and handhold those who come behind.
What an honor and a privilege.
As women we would do well to not take this responsibility lightly but to embrace it with grace and integrity. This is my heart. I have written two books to encourage you on this journey. I hope they will bless you as they have blesssed me.